Sunday, September 25, 2011

I forgot the coolest thing!!

Yeah, it is so exciting I am not only going to update my other post, it deserves a whole new post!! We were sharing with our friend Heather who works in Campus Life at AQ about our apartment and where it was at and such. Suddenly, she asked "is it blue?" We were like, yeah. She said, "I think I had friends who used to live there." She went on to describe the apartment to a T, and when I said that the kitchen floors are black and white tiles, we were sold. The power of social media meant she wrote on her friends Facebook wall about their apartment they used to live in. Earlier this afternoon, she had texted me saying that her friends did indeed live in this apartment between 1995 and 1999. Can we say CRAZY! Heather said that they had the apartment in the "newlywed" style, and was really cute. This world is just too small I think. Another example that this is probably exactly where I am supposed to be right now :)

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