Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Different Perspective

Good evening ladies and gents-

I was finally able to catch up on all of Leah's blog posts tonight and I am so glad I did! It is wonderful knowing the struggles first hand and then reading them and imagining all of Leah's facial expressions and hand motions. EPIC

This was a busy and exciting week for the graduate student. Monday brought paperwork and a TB test so I am authorized to start my job at Kenowa Hills. Wednesday included finger printing with the police department-I even got to wear a little Visitor Pass and see the interrogation rooms. Certainly not as glamorous as in the movies I might add.

In social policy we discussed the implications of universal healthcare and the lack of socialized medicine in America. If you are interested in the issue at all, check out "Sicko" by Michael Moore. I wouldn't say his portrayal of the system is completely unbiased but it certainly gets the critical thinking skills in motion. Wednesday morning I attended an in-service on Human Trafficking. I won't get into the devastating details, but I will say this: human trafficking is the result of a cycle of falsely established trust, manipulation, and abuse. The next time you find yourself saying "she (or he) chose that life", think again. Many people are prayed upon at a very young age and are forced to make choices to survive while at this very vulnerable age.

Thursday evening brought another orientation (number 3 for the program thus far) on the intricacies of field practicum. This means an exciting and challenging first summer in Grand Rapids! Friday was spent talking with people that work and live in the South End community of Grand Rapids. Between community gardens, male mentors in the school systems to help with the Believe 2 Become effort, job skills training, and great people at SECA, Abby and I went back to our own communities invigorated.
And of course stressed out about how we are going to possibly write a five page paper on this community when easily it could be fifteen pages!

As you probably read in Leah's post the three of us, along with another AQ girl helped out at Bethany Christian Service's Family Fun Day for foster parents and families in Newaygo on Saturday. Though the day was long it was rewarding and nothing beats having a little kid sit on your lap and share his cheerios with you.

Today brought the mass commemorating Aquinas College's 125th anniversary at St. Andrew's Cathedral. It was great to say hello to past residents, previous co-workers, and friends and enjoy the beautiful sunshine.

My friends, exhaustion has begun to set in and my first day at work begins tomorrow morning at 6:30 am. Hopefully listening to the rain and drifting off to sleep will prepare me for my morning with two to five year olds.

As always-thank you for reading :-)

Kudos to Leah for tackling the Secret Garden, it looks less like a jungle and more like the perfect place for a late night soiree.

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