Grand Rapids is alive and well! We have art bursting from all seams and people about taking it all in! It's been a pretty good weekend around here. Friday night, Lydia and I kicked off our alumni careers with an AQ + Art reception at the Catholic Information Center next to the cathedral. While we were the youngest alums in attendance, we also got to kick off our ArtPrize experience. For those unaware, ArtPrize is just that that, Art and Prizes. But the prizes are awarded based on public vote, and it is completely free. For three weeks museums, galleries, restaurants, tattoo parlors, bars, missions/social services, basically any building downtown comes alive with art from all over the world you get to walk around town and see art everywhere. I am so looking forward to using my lunch break at work to get outside and see things.
Back to Friday night, Lydia and I walked Division--as cupcakes, not ho-hos--and visited many spots. Including the gay bar and a tattoo parlor. Clearly neither location expected us to frequent often, but there is really no other time we can just walk into these places and stay 5 minutes. Our night ended with a beer from HopCat, including their Crack Fries, and the long walk back up Division.On a related note, U of M is offering a $10 ticket for a bus to Grand Rapids for ArtPrize--here's to hoping that Hollie (or any U of M person) takes advantage of this to see ArtPrize. I'll also be willing to pal around with anyone who wants to come into town (with at least some notice) for it. I have a pretty good parking spot from work and there are several sites we can walk to from our apartment.
Saturday allowed for round two of us being alums. AQ Homecoming! Yes, while we did not Stomp, we did enjoy the beer tent, and a trip to Queens. Our quest for much of this year is for new experiences, and we are working hard at it! Being back on campus felt great, there is a total new relationship I have with it, but the sights are just as pretty as ever. I love knowing that God did put me there for four years and let it help define me, only to allow that place to have warm open arms the moment I walked back in. It's cool to hear people thank us for the "ground work" we set for great new things! I don't know it's deserved, but it's exciting.
Sunday has been getting life back together. Made some chili earlier today, and then did some fall cleaning. I read Martha Stewart's tips for preparing for fall, and I taking some into consideration. Mostly I just swept and cleaned the floor as well as washed the linens and packed up summer clothing.
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